Product profile: Pods for veggies

With the cost of food trending rapidly upwards, the move to growing food at home has become a popular one. While it’s easy if you have a garden, what do you do if you don’t?

Growing plants in limited outdoor space can be difficult, as can protecting your precious new green friends from pests that enjoy veggies as much as you do.

The Vegepod raised garden-bed systems are designed to make growing herbs and veggies simple. They consist of a moulded wicking garden-bed system that provides the right amount of water for your plants. The beds can be placed on the ground or on optional steel frames to bring them to waist height.

The garden-bed kits include a polyethylene knitted-mesh hinged cover system that protects the garden from insects. It also features an in-built misting system. There are three standard sizes of garden bed—0.5, one and two metres long, all one metre deep. Growing depth is 26 cm.

Pricing starts at $209 for the 0.5m-long unit to $489 for the 2m model. There are also complete starter packs which include everything you need—garden bed, stand, cover, perlite growing medium, even seeds.
More info/to buy
Vegepod, ph: 1800 428 431
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